
I feel this project was succesful as I have produced work in accordance with the brief. I feel the research stage was more successful than my last project taking the feedback I got i stayed away from using “i like” and “i feel” in my analysis I feel i have become more comfortable when analysing […]

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Initial & Developed Sketches

Initial sketch of mages typical sort of long robes cloth gear,  I like the idea of baggy loose cloth pants and leather boots not so sure about the hat and hood as it obscures the face and dosent fit with character being confident and reckless not afraid to hide away from challenge.   Developed the […]

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Treatment Sheet

Synopsis: the story is set in a medieval setting where magic reignes supreem where all beings are born able to wield magic where spells are weaved and casted by intense concentration and chanting incantaions, where your affinity for magic determins your social status with the nobel familys of the kingdom being the most powerfull, comprised […]

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Concept Art Analyasis

Concept art By Echiiro Oda of his original character Luffy from One Piece for The One Piece movie Strong World. The lines within this image are drawn with confidence strong and flowing, drawn with confidence that comes from drawing the same original character for over 15 years that Oda makes look effortless in his developmental […]

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Unit-5 Harvard Reference

Echiiro Oda, (2012), Luffy concept [ONLINE]. Available at: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/anime/images/3/3c/Manga_4.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150203161236&path-prefix=de [Accessed 03 January 16]. Marius Andrei, (2013), Sketches [ONLINE]. Available at: https://mariusandrei.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/dscn1972.jpg [Accessed 03 January 16]. WoW, (2015), Illidan [ONLINE]. Available at: http://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/resized/477606.jpg [Accessed 03 January 16]. Yoshihiro Togashi, (2014), Hunter X Hunter [ONLINE]. Available at: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-k4N3AkjNFBU/U9GzcSOnjzI/AAAAAAAACKk/EQRM2B02MWo/s1600/Not+Sure+Why+Either.png [Accessed 03 January 16].

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