Final Piece

  Evaluation I Believe that this Project Was Still successful And that it meets the Core requirements of the brief Despite its major set backs as I did not get to Create all of the things I had proposed but The work I did Create I believe was Of Distinction quality and I am happy […]

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Samuria Development due to time Constraints im just going to Start Modeling my Samurai Straight away. I’m not going to create any Initial or developed designs on paper for 2 reasons main one being that I don’t personally find them to be beneficial of useful to me. at my current level of skill with in […]

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With this Research stage I am going to just list off all my initial research topics that I have identified from my initial concept and then just work my way through them and any more as needed. For my Reasearch stage I have planned to alow my 2 initial weeks of the project timeline for […]

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Monster model development I Decided to free Model this character without a in view port image reference as I had done with the previous two character models I had created and this is because my last two characters were human characters so I wanted to make sure I had the proportions correct so I used […]

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Mind mapVisual analysis   Mega Garchomp This creature does not reflect light well but is capable of producing light from a variety of areas on it’s body depending on the method of attack it is capable of. It’s skin is usually shown as being scaled to add texture. The primary colours used here are blue […]

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Audience Analysis

Analysis Our audience is expected to be from middle income families with an interest in the horror genre. They are interested in the drama and action that we have previously delivered. We can likely charge higher than the average price that is associated with our products of this target audience and because the horror genre […]

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Unit 12 – Vertical Slice

Level 3 Diploma and Extended Diploma Assignment Title: Vertical slice Unit No & Title: Unit 12: Engaging with an Audience (36 x L3 credits) Assessment Date: 9th January – 3rd March   Learning Outcomes: Units Covered   Unit 12: To develop the candidate’s knowledge of, and responsiveness to, the distinctive and individual audiences for specific […]

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