
Evaluation I feel that Unit 1 – Introduction To Visual Language: Orthographic Drawings – Environment/Object was successful. although It was not done to the best of my ability I am content with the work I have produced according to the brief I feel the secondary research I conducted was appropriate and helped me with inspiration […]

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Developed sketches

These developed sketches are mainly influenced by Benoit Godde’s Wreck. I liked the idea of a robot that would be a mass-produced so I kept them quite basic and symmetric as I plan to use plane building and the symmetry tool to create it in 3Ds max I didn’t want them to be unique I […]

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Furio Tedeschi Mech Side Head

I like this image of an open Mech head by Furio Tedeshi. I like this images Use of perspective, the dark obscured wires hanging down in the foreground and the blurred lights in the back ground. it helps to give the viewer a sense of the environment which seems quite vast and dark. I like […]

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Furio Tedeschi ZZZ

I like this 3D model created by Furio Tedeshci. I like the simplicity of this model I like the use of block colour it helps  highlight the lines on the model. I like the thick dark eyes highlighted by the bright iris’s. I also like lines used on the face to create panels it helps […]

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Benoit Godde Wreck

I really like this image of a damaged robot by Benoit Godde. I like the Use of negative space within this image and its use of gradient the bright white highlights the silhouette of the subject and gets darker towards the back gives the image good atmosphere and emotion, it gives the light a hopefulness […]

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Robert Chew Mecha Rhino Drone

I like this image by Robert Chew  of a Mecha Rhino Drone accompanied by a ranger, I like the location in which the image is set, a african plains with tall wild dry grass the natural habitat of the Rhino it gives a good contrast of nature and mechanical by placing the mechanical rhino in […]

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