
Mind mapVisual analysis


Mega Garchomp

This creature does not reflect light well but is capable of producing light from a variety of areas on it’s body depending on the method of attack it is capable of. It’s skin is usually shown as being scaled to add texture. The primary colours used here are blue and red with a couple of yellow highlights. The blue and red contrast and compliment each other nicely and give the monster a more “brutal” aesthetic.

This creature looks like it was based on a cross of a shark’s body and the posture of a lizard or a dragon. There are a lot of sharp edges on the body of the creature that add to this design such as the “teeth” on the chest, the claws on the feet and the scythes at the ends of each arm.

This monster is capable of short bursts of flight that allow it cover long distances and to charge headfirst into enemies. It’s primary method of attack is using its scythe-like appendages to slice at at opponents. A secondary means of attack is usually achieved by the creature producing powerful beams of energy from it’s mouth like a dragon.

I like the colours and aesthetic of Mega Garchomp such as its large scythe-like arms and how it slashes and is very fast and brutal in combat and the shark colour motif.

I’m not a fan of the dragon-breath like ability Mega Garchomp possesses or the use of the teeth-like extensions on the chest.



Future Predator

I dislike very little about the design of this creature from a horror standpoint but the blandness of the colours used make me wish it used a slightly brighter colour or even a diversity of colour shades, no matter how subtle.

This creature is able to acutely change the way it reflects light from it’s skin to allow it to camouflage among its environment and remain undetected, it is generally a shade of brown or grey and lacks any real measure of colour contrast. The texture of the skin is composed of bumps for veins and peeling skin.

The form and posture of this creature is similar to that of a bat and has design elements similar to that of a gorilla. The thin profile of the creature mean that the body is more cylindrical than muscular. This creature is incredibly agile,fast and capable of leaping great distances. It is also well known to walk on walls and ceilings and moves with an awkward posture.

I am a fan of the design and the movement of the creature as it combines a strange and generally unseen form of movement in its animation with that of a nightmarishly proportioned creature.




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