
I started development by modeling  the torso. then I made then extended the waist out into the legs creating extra loop rings around the knee for better deformations. I then extended out the chest to form the shoulders creating edge loops that run across the chest and the shoulders replicated from my research. I then […]

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  The same with unit 12 Lowpoly I feel that this unit dose not require alot of research as it is more of a technical unit where the main areas of learning is setting up bones useing iks and setting up controllers. the brief states “In this project you have been tasked by a 3D […]

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Audience Analysis

analysis Our audience is expected to be Hobbyist and Enthusiasts with interest in miniatures, Table Top Games Science fiction and medieval fantasy. They are most likely express these hobbies in small social gatherings and we think our product caters towards this and their interests. We can probably charge a premium for our product with this […]

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Unit 10 – Rigging & Skinning

Level 3 Diploma and Extended Diploma Assignment Title: Rigging & Skinning Unit No & Title: Unit 10: Characteristics and Contexts (24 x L3 Credits) Assessment Date: 7th November – 6th January   Learning Outcomes: Units Covered Unit 10: To develop in the candidate a greater self-awareness and understanding of their creative abilities through an exploration of […]

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Final Piece

  Evaluation I Feel This unit was very successful in terms of producing work in accordance of the brief and my own personal benefit and skills and techniques I have learned in working towards this brief. I feel that the initial Research stage was lacking compared to past units but this was due to me […]

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Development initially started out by Modeling The Camera Drone as a Proof of concept. My initial thoughts going in to the Production stage was just to model as I normally would and keep an eye on the Tri count as I had a budget of 10,000 tri’s Once I had modeled my camera drone to […]

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Mood Board Low poly Assets are Objects That Have Low amounts of Geometry in 3D computer graphics. Low poly meshes are mostly used in real-time applications (e.g. games) that Require objects to Animate and move in a Real time Environment, in contrast with high poly meshes That would be used in animated movies and special effects For Example. low poly is used […]

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